A two-year-old, orphaned orangutan named Rahul being confiscated from a small village on the edge of the Tripa peat forest. The confiscation team and police arrived at the scene at 10:45am and identified the young orangutan immediately, tied to a small shop. Specialist orangutan veterinarian Dr Yenny Saraswati of the SOCP promptly conducted a health inspection of the young orangutan. “The condition of this young male is not good, he is suffering from malnutrition, his skin is bad, and he has a wound from where he has been tied with a rope. We will provide medical treatment, monitor his condition, then release him in a healthy forest.” Photo: Paul Hilton
- Copyright
- Paul Hilton for Earth Tree
- Image Size
- 4346x3023 / 9.5MB
- Keywords
- Contained in galleries
- Sumatran Orangutans, Orangutan Rescue