A two-year-old, orphaned orangutan named Rahul who was confiscated from a small village on the edge of the Tripa peat forest. This is the second rescue this week highlighting the need for urgent action to prevent local extinction. The confiscation team and police arrived at the scene at 10:45am and identified the young orangutan immediately, tied to a small shop. Specialist orangutan veterinarian drh Yenny Saraswati of the SOCP promptly conducted a health inspection of the young orangutan. “The condition of this young male is not good, he is suffering from malnutrition, his skin is bad, and he has a wound from where he has been tied with a rope. We will provide medical treatment, monitor his condition, then release him in a healthy forest.” Photo: Paul Hilton
- Copyright
- Paul Hilton for Earth Tree
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- 5488x3736 / 22.0MB
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- Contained in galleries
- Sumatran Orangutans, Orangutan Rescue